We engage with stakeholders and participate in multi-stakeholder forums to advance sustainable palm oil supply chains and protect forests and high conservation value areas. Stakeholder feedback is invaluable in driving best practices, assessing supplier compliance, and enhancing transparency throughout our supply chains.
Below are recent reports and responses to stakeholders. Follow the links to read more information or contact palmsustainability@olamnet.com
Mighty Earth
The joint statement from FSC, Mighty Earth and OPG and the public summary is available here.
a. Might Earth
b. Forest Heroes
c. The Forests Dialogue
In October 2017, we joined 60 participants from 15 countries as part of The Forests Dialogue – a Yale-based programme promoting multi-stakeholder discussions on forest issues – to understand deforestation-free supply chains can be applied in a west and central African context, particularly in highly forested countries seeking to alleviate deep poverty through development. The group visited our palm plantation in Gabon, as well as ecological cultural conservation areas, villages surrounding our development and the GRAINE programme.
d. World Rainforest Movement
e. Greenpeace
Grievances can be submitted through any of the following channels:
The grievance should include provision of the following information:
*While grievances can be made anonymously, providing full contact details enables us to better understand and address the concern.
The Grievance Procedures and our Grievance Log are provided below: