We’re committed to Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) and continuously engage with villages in the proximity of the plantations to ensure understanding of our goals and to provide opportunities to raise concerns. We have trained social communicators from these communities who understand the traditional social structures in the villages and the best means of communicating and engaging with different stakeholder groups.
Through 10 Social Contracts, we’ve supported education by building and renovating schools, providing teachers’ housing, and supplying classroom materials. This initiative has enabled hundreds of children to attend school regularly, reflecting our commitment to community development and inclusive dialogue.
Our palm plantations in Gabon have created jobs for more than 4,500 Gabonese nationals and we continue to invest in training to develop essential skills for plantation operations and related activities.
We support initiatives to increase food security and crop diversification by providing planting materials, establishing processing units, and supporting rural entrepreneurship in crop processing and brick production. Our initiatives include an on-site clinic, grocery stores with fair prices, pre-school and prayer facilities. These efforts enhance community well-being and self-sufficiency.
We fully support the United Nations Global Compact’s (UNGC) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and commits to promote best practice throughout our activities. Our commitment to Human Rights is guided by the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and related international covenants.
We’ve established a Human Rights Policy and a Fair Employment Policy that further supports this commitment.