Protecting Forests & the Environment

    Protecting Forests & the Environment

    In Gabon, we’re actively protecting 106,000 ha of High Conservation Value (HCV) forest and other areas such as buffer zones; this is 53 percent of our overall oil palm concession area of 202,000 ha.

    We’re committed to the protection of forests and high conservation value areas such as primary forest, High Carbon Stock Forest (HCS), High Conservation Value (HCV) areas and peatlands.

    We were the first company globally to meet the new HCV assessment requirements of the HCV Resource Network in 2015, and in 2011 we were the first company to meet the RSPO’s new plantings requirements in Africa.

    Our plantations operate only in areas such as savannah, scrub, or logged-over forests with low carbon stocks, following third-party assessments which include stakeholder consultation, LIDAR mapping, biodiversity surveys, and forest inventories. 

    New Planting Procedure (NPP) Site Verification

    We don’t carry out planting in wetlands, including peat, and protect nearby water bodies through NPP site verification and soil studies.

    In 2019, we received the RSPO Conservation Excellence Award for our commitment to sustainable oil palm plantations that generate net positive impacts through forest conservation, species protection, and emission reductions in Gabon.

    Water Management

    We’ve implemented the largest irrigation project in a palm plantation in the world. The sub-surface drip irrigation system will improve irrigation of more than 25,000 ha of planted land. By introducing mechanical spraying, we have improved productivity eight-fold.

    Water Management

    We’ve implemented the largest irrigation project in a palm plantation in the world. The sub-surface drip irrigation system will improve irrigation of more than 25,000 ha of planted land. By introducing mechanical spraying, we have improved productivity eight-fold.

    Protecting Gabon's Biodiversity

    Protecting Gabon's Biodiversity

    Managing palm plantations in a biodiversity rich country like Gabon requires extensive efforts to support and safeguard the country’s natural heritage. OPG employs a 40-strong team dedicated to enforcing rigorous standards designed to protect the areas of High Conservation Value (HCV) and High Carbon Stock (HCS) that make up more than 50% of our palm concessions.  

    Ongoing Biodiversity Assessment

    Ongoing Biodiversity Assessment

    We conducted extensive biodiversity surveys during our Environmental and Social Impact Assessments, and supplementary surveys during the start-up phase of operations, to guide land use planning, zoning and management. These impacts are continuously monitored, tracked, and resurveyed every three to five years for better management of conservation objectives.  

    Partnering to Scale Impact

    We partner with Gabon’s National Park Agency, Ministry of Forestry, and WWF-Gabon to monitor conservation areas. Using SMART (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool), our HCV team collects data to track wildlife, movements, and poaching signs. This enables us to refine and adapt conservation efforts in priority areas effectively.

    Talk to Our Team

    Whether you’re interested in speaking to our country management team, enquiring about one of our products or partnering with us, we want to hear from you.

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