News Bites

    Philippe Joubert, Senior Advisor WBCSD and Chair, Corporate Leaders Group on how businesses are transcending boundaries to fight climate change


    Business as Usual is Dead: How Businesses Are Transcending Boundaries to Fight Climate Change

    In our latest Transcending Boundaries contribution, Philippe Joubert, Senior Advisor at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and Chair of the Corporate Leaders Group, discusses the new reality for businesses operating in a climate conscious world.

    Businesses are increasingly aware of the impacts of climate change on their operations and their supply chain. Nevertheless, few individuals understand that business as usual is dead, and that you cannot continue to think that natural resources are free and unlimited. With climate change now at the forefront of the policy agenda, convincing leaders to take action to change is no longer the issue, but the speed of the development and the size of it. In order to make this a reality, we need everyone’s input, and most crucially the private sector’s. Businesses need to pull their weight by changing their business models to ensure we meet our collective goals of remaining below the 1.5 degree threshold.

    Philippe Joubert , Senior Advisor and Special Envoy Energy and Climate at WBCSD , currently serves as the Chair of the Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group on Climate Change, sits at the Advisory board of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership where he is part of Faculty. He is also Executive Chairman of the Global Electricity Initiative at the World Energy Council. He holds several Advisory positions to the CEOs of major Global Companies and sits on various Boards and Advisory Boards as Non-Executive Director.

    Previously, Philippe was President of Alstom Power and Deputy-CEO of Alstom Group.

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