Financial Press Release
28th Feb, 2025
Olam Group delivers 9.2% EBIT growth in 2024 driven by ofi and Olam Agri
Group operating profit (“EBIT”) up 9.2% in 2024, on growth at both ofi and Olam Agri
ofi: Double-digit EBIT growth of 29.1% year-on-year (YoY), led by Ingredients & Solutions segment that reported an increase of 41.8%
Olam Agri: EBIT grew 5.8% YoY led by 32.2% YoY growth in Fibre, Agri-industrials & Ag Services
Board recommends a second and final dividend of 3.0 cents per share, taking total dividends to 6.0 cents per share for 2024 (2023: 7.0 cents)
Re-organisation update1:
Olam Group to sell 44.58% in Olam Agri to SALIC for approximately US$1.78 billion, at an implied 100% equity valuation for Olam Agri of US$4.00 billion;
Olam Group to sell its remaining 19.99% stake in Olam Agri to SALIC at the end of three years from completion of the above sale at the Closing Valuation1 plus 6% IRR
The Group will focus on seeking strategic options to unlock value for the Remaining Olam Group businesses and ofi, including the pursuit of an ofi IPO.
9th Nov, 2023
Olam Agri and Nutrifoods Support Akosombo Flood Victims
Olam Agri, the country’s leading supply chain manager in agri-commodity, and its sister company, Nutrifoods, a top food manufacturer in Ghana, on Friday, presented a consignment of relief items to flood victims of the Akosombo Dam spillage.
In mid-October, the Volta River Authority (VRA) began spilling water from the Akosombo reservoir to protect the dam from overtopping.
The influx of large volumes of water has raised levels, causing excessive flooding in several low-lying areas along the Volta River, including, but not limited to, Mepe, Battor, Sogakope, Mafi, Adidome, and Ada.
8th Mar, 2023
Empowering Women in Farming with Equity
When you picture a farmer today, is a woman the first image that comes to mind? Probably not. Yet today, in farming communities all around the world, women are a significant driving force. According to estimates from the UN FAO, women farmers represent 43%1 of the global agricultural workforce and make up 60% of agricultural workers in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Yet, many women still face significant hurdles and discrimination when it comes to land ownership, and access to financial services and resources.
Ensuring women farmers are successful is not only key to improving livelihoods for them and their families, but is essential to strengthening global food security and nutrition. To succeed, women farmers must have the same opportunities as men to access training, inputs, finance and support.
How is Olam Agri supporting women in farming?
Our strong presence in Africa and Asia is enabling us to drive equity, promote inclusive growth and reduce inequalities in the communities where