Increase In Multicurrency Medium Term Note Programme Limit From S$400,000,000 To S$800,000,000
Olam International Limited (the “Company”) had established a Multicurrency Medium Term Note Programme (the “MTN Programme”), arranged and managed by Standard Chartered Bank on 9 March 2004. The MTN Programme limit was subsequently increased from S$200,000,000 to S$400,000,000 on 13 December 2004.
The Company now wishes to announce that the maximum aggregate principal amount of notes which may be issued under the MTN Programme (the “Notes”) has been increased from S$400,000,000 to S$800,000,000 (the “Increased Limit”).
The proceeds from the issue of Notes if and when done under the Increased Limit will be used for the purpose of refinancing existing borrowings, working capital requirements and general corporate purposes of the Company.
The Notes will constitute direct, unconditional, unsubordinated and unsecured obligations of the Company and shall at all times rank pari passu, without any preference or priority among themselves, and pari passu with all other present and future unsecured obligations (other than subordinated obligations and priorities created by law) of the Company.
Application has been made to the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (the “SGX-ST”) for permission to deal in and quotation for any Notes which are at the time of issue thereof to be so listed on the SGX-ST.